In response to her horrified expression, he blamed his appearance on Jack Morrison and another party for his current state, then got away. He recognized the person as Ana Amari, who beat him to the ground and pulled off his mask. Soldier: 76 was able to fight back, but Reaper escaped and headed for Soldier's sudden supporter instead. When he was about to kill Jack Morrison, he was attacked by " Shrike", the one who had been sabotaging Talon's operations recently. He successfully took down Soldier: 76, whose identity has been known to Reaper as Jack Morrison, and reveal himself as Gabriel Reyes.

Reaper recently came to Egypt and set a trap for Soldier: 76 in one of Talon's bases there. After a fight with Winston and Tracer, this operation also failed though both escaped intact, the gauntlet was badly damaged and the two lost their upper hand. Reaper worked with another Talon agent, Widowmaker, to steal Doomfist's gauntlet from a museum. Though he brought Talon agents as a backup, the operation was not entirely successful, and Reaper only managed to obtain part of the Overwatch database - later taking a few names off its list. Reaper attempted to invade Watchpoint: Gibraltar to assassinate Winston and hack into his database to find other agents' locations. He had also found his way into Talon before the fall of Overwatch, eventually taking a role of leadership within the organization. It was during this rebellion that he had enlisted Moira, who aided him in changing his genetic makeup, giving him new abilities. He began to organize a rebellion within Overwatch that ultimately led to a conflict at the Swiss Headquarters, resulting in an explosion that supposedly killed both Reyes and Morrison.

Over time, Reyes began to resent Morrison for receiving the public's attention while he received none. He oversaw Overwatch's covert ops missions and trained agents like McCree. When Overwatch successfully put down the crisis, Morrison was promoted to Strike Commander while Reyes became head of Blackwatch. Around this era, the Reaper also began appearing in numerous armed conflicts, with no apparent allegiance. Though Reyes led the strike team, Morrison was recognized as the team's moral fabric. When the Omnic Crisis began and the UN began to assemble Overwatch, the two accepted the offer to join alongside Reinhardt Wilhelm, Torbjörn Lindholm, Ana Amari, and Liao. Born in Los Angeles, Reyes was enlisted into the US's Soldier Enhancement Program as Soldier: 24, and through it formed a close bond with Jack Morrison. Gabriel Reyes was a senior officer in the US military. They believe that Reaper is hunting former Overwatch agents and systematically eliminating them. Those attempting to track his movements have begun to see a pattern in his appearances. It is possible that he is a byproduct of failed genetic alteration which forces his cells to simultaneously decay and regenerate at a hyper-accelerated rate. The few bodies recovered of those he kills are pale, empty husks drained of life, their cells showing signs of intense degradation. Survivors have described a black shadow ghosting unscathed through the most hellish battlefields. He has fought in many armed conflicts in the last decades, showing no loyalty to any cause or organization. The Reaper is an extremely volatile mercenary, a ruthless and remorseless killer responsible for terrorist attacks across the world. What is known is that where he appears, death follows. You kick the air to launch a projectile that deals 22 dmg and stuns the enemy for 0.2 seconds.Some speak of a black-robed terrorist known only as the Reaper. Y-Anti manner kick course: You kick the enemy into the air and then teleport up to them, and then kick them down, dealing 30 dmg and also stunning the enemy for 0.2 secondsį- Dark flames: you set your legs on fire and all your moves will inflict 3 seconds of burn dmg to the enemy T-Concasser: you jump into the air and land onto the closest enemy, dealing 23 dmg and stunning the enemy for 0.5 seconds R- B-shot: you kick the enemy in the face and stun them for 1.5 seconds, dealing 15 dmg

M1s( 4 kick combo)- You will kick the enemies, the 4th kick will knock them back, every m1 does 10 dmgĮ- Kick barrage: you barrage the enemy with your legs, the last move knocks them back if you hold the move long enough(like white snake's barrage) You can double jump(kind of like the geppo ability in one peice) Find the baratie ship which will be located at the beach and talk to sanji.Įndure the way of yakuza for 690 seconds(like killua quest0Īfter completing the quest talk to sanji again and you will have black leg